Thursday, May 22, 2008

Flight O'Schmancy

After putting in my eight hours at the office, I pounded out 3,000 words on a new story I started today. A few hundred more and she'll be done. Got the idea last night and when I woke up several scenes were finished in my head. I think I'm too close to it to tell how bad it is but at least I'm having fun writing it. Maybe I can make it a little less bad after the fact.

Once done, I can return to the story I started on Monday and continued on Tuesday. Now that one I positively know stinks, so there's no room for hope :-)

Man, those oatmeal cookies were good. The energy drinks don't hurt either.


Lyn said...

Send it to me and I'll give you a free crit! lol - since all my crits are free, but that's probably what they're worth. :-) But, kidding aside, I'd be happy to read it and give you some feedback. Congrats on pounding out the story - I love writing opening scenes and then run out of steam so never get past 1000 words! lol Makes for some fair flash every now and then though. Lyn

Alvaro Zinos-Amaro said...

Lyn, thanks for your generous offer! I anticipate finishing it today and completing anywhere between two and seven drafts over the next few days. Will shoot your way you when done! :-)