Sunday, May 4, 2008

When valor preys on reason...

...It eats the sword it fights with. That's from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, which I finished reading last night -- Book # 13 read during this year. Enjoyed it enormously. Was pretty slow-going because I read history notes on the period to get a better sense of motivations, political context etc.

We went to the movies and watched The Visitor, which was well-crafted (great performance by Richard Jenkins) and much fun to watch from a technical standpoint but which I found, on the whole, somewhat affectless and dramatically inert (compared to what the very positive reviews stated). Perhaps not watching movies for a while has something to do with it.

Finished the story after two more rewrites, but have now discovered that it will be unpublishable for legal reasons. In trying to pay tribute to a classic story, I may have unwittingly produced a story which overlaps with the definition of "fan fiction" and could therefore be construed as too derivative of the original. The exercise was still a fantastic experience in terms of learning about story construction. Certainly an eye-opening experience. I'll be filing the story away in a deep dark place and will start planning the next one today.

Beautiful day, and after a late lovely breakfast there's much to be done, as always, and much enjoyment to be derived from doing it. In the words of Mark Antony, "Let's mock the midnight bell."

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