Tuesday, February 19, 2008

LRSF #19, Electric Rains, Kathleen Ann Goonan

Opening: Ella sat by Nana's body two days before she pushed it out the window.

Capsule: I appreciated certain elements of this story but overall it didn't entertain or move me much. The concepts of electric rains, personality uploads, the Metro subculture etc. were all intriguing but I'm not sure how convincing I found their juxtaposition. They seemed to provide a noir, cyberpunkish patina, but not the substance of that type of experience.

The twelve-year old protagonist was well developed, but at times I felt her perusal of the archived newspapers was a little too explicitly the framework for infodump and wasn't perhaps as seamlessly integrated into the narrative as might have been possible. There just didn't seem to be enough happening in this story. What there was held my interest, but at a distance.

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