Thursday, February 21, 2008

How To Live To 101

I know I want to, specially with the quality of life on display by all of the centenarians in this BBC Horizon documentary, for which you can find the summary page here.

That same page has interesting links to tips on how to live longer, the ageing process, etc. A few minutes of exploring those links may add years to your life :-)

I found this of enormous interest. I learned about the confirmed scientific correlation between "caloric restriction" and longevity, the role of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) as a marker for biological time, etc. This also confirmed and quantified certain existing notions of the benefits of regular exercise (not only strength and cardio, but also flexibility), diet (avoiding alcohol and smoking, eating plenty of anti-oxidant-rich, low-calorie high-nutrient vegetables, limiting meats and so on), and psychological disposition (finding a system that helps eliminate the cumulative effect of life's stressors, whether that be religion or something else).

This is a high-quality production presenting an excellent synthesis of longevity-related practices.

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