Hi there!
And if you have questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you! Please contact me at alvaro.zinos@gmail.com
Recent News
11/7/2016 - Tor.com has published my essay on cyberpunk, titled "The Game Architecture: We’re All Living in a Cyber World."
11/7/2016 - My reviews of Dexter Palmer's Version Control and Lily Brooks-Dalton's Good Morning, Midnight have been published in the November installment of "Another Dimension" over at IGMS.
11/1/2016 - My short story "Morphing" has sold to the anthology Blood Business, edited by Josh Viola and Mario Acevedo, and coming out from Hex Publishers in 2017.
10/27/16-10/29/16 - Attended my first World Fantasy Convention, in Columbus, Ohio, and participated on the panel on "Strange Drugs," as well as the mass autographing session.
10/20/2016 - Tor.com has published my long review of James Gleick's new nonfiction book, Time Travel: A History.
10/13/2016 - In the October installment of my book review column for IGMS I look at Women of Futures Past: Classic Stories, edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe, by Kij Johnson.
10/1/2016 - Words magazine has published my review of the new film Blair Witch.
10/1/2016 - Words magazine has published my Jack the Ripper horror story, "The Ripper Is You."
9/23/2016 - Tor.com has published my essay on Star Trek: The Next Generation, "In Praise of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Infamous “Reset Button”."
9/15/2016 - My review of the film Into the Forest was published in Hex Publishers' online magazine Words.
9/12/2016 - My reviews of China Miéville's The Last Days of New Paris and the Teaching Company's lecture series on How Great Science Fiction Works, by Gary K. Wolfe, have been published in the September installment of "Another Dimension" over at IGMS.
9/11/2016 - I participated in the SF in SF event, a conversation with Robert Silverberg at The American Bookbinders Museum, moderated by Daryl Gregory, about my book of interviews with Silverberg.
9/9/2016 - Tor.com has published my article on "7 Reasons Why Robert Silverberg Remains a Must-Read."
9/6/2016 - The story "A Touch of Heart," my second collaboration with Adam-Troy Castro, has sold to Lightspeed Magazine.
9/1/2016 - My review of the horror film Lights Out was published in Hex Publishers' online magazine Words.
8/26/2016 - My essay on the first line of William Golding's Pincher Martin has been accepted for publication by The First Line.
8/16/2016 - My book of interviews with Robert Silverberg, Traveler of Worlds, has been published by Fairwood Press.
8/12/2016 - My reviews of The Fifty-Year Mission: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek: The First 25 Years, by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman and A Natural History of Hell, by Jeffrey Ford, have been published in the August installment of "Another Dimension" over at IGMS.
8/1/2016 - I have a new review column with Hex Publishers. I'll be covering primarily s/f/h films and books. In my first review, out now, I discuss Star Trek: Beyond.
7/7/2016 - My reviews of Stephen Baxter and Alastair Reynolds' The Medusa Chronicles and Yoon Ha Lee's Ninefox Gambit have been published in the July installment of "Another Dimension" over at IGMS.
6/14/2016 - The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016 Edition, edited by Rich Horton and containing my story "Endless Forms Most Beautiful," has just been published.
6/9/2016 - My reviews of Lavie Tidhar's Central Station and Joyce Carol Oates' The Doll-Master have been published in the June installment of my "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
6/5/2016 - I've finished my copyedits on Traveler of Worlds: Conversations with Robert Silverberg, which has an Introduction by Gardner Dozois, a Foreword by me, and an Afterword by Karen Haber. Blurbs have come in from Kim Stanley Robinson, Mike Resnick, Nancy Kress, Sheila Williams and Jack Skillingstead.
5/12/2016 - The Spring 2016 issue of Lackington's, containing my story "The Transfigured Knight," has been published.
5/12/2016 - My reviews of Allen Steele's Arkwright and Benjamin Warner's Thirst have been published in the May installment of my "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
5/2/2016 - The time-travel story "Shakesville," written in collaboration with Adam-Troy Castro, has sold to Analog.
4/14/2016 - My reviews of Meeting Infinity, edited by Jonathan Strahan, and I Am Crying All Inside and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak, Volume One, by Clifford D. Simak, have been published in my latest "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS. The column will be monthly starting with this installment.
4/7/2016 - My story "e^h" has sold to the anthology HUMANITY 2.0, edited by Alex Shvartsman and forthcoming from Arc Manor.
3/24/2016 - "The Shallowest Waves," a science fiction story written in collaboration with Thoraiya Dyer, has sold to Analog. This will be my fourth fiction credit in Analog, and fifth appearance in that magazine overall (I published an interview with Stanley Schmidt last year).
3/7/2016 - My story "Prayers to the Sun" will appear in the anthology This Way to the End Times, edited by Robert Silverberg and coming out from Three Rooms Press on October 25th 2016.
3/1/2016 - My story "The Higher, the Fewer" has been published in the March issue of Galaxy's Edge.
1/7/2016 - My story "The Transfigured Knight" has sold to Lackington's and will appear in Issue 10, published in April or May.
1/1/2016 - My story "Nature's Eldest Law" appeared in the January 2016 issue of Analog.
1/1/2016 - "Pushing the World in a Certain Direction," an essay written in collaboration with Paul Di Filippo, appeared in the January 2016 issue of Asimov's.
12/30/2015 - My stories "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" and "The Rose is Obsolete" appeared in the Tangent Online 2015 Recommended Reading List, and were awarded two and three stars respectively.
12/20/2015 - My story "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" will appear in The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016 Edition, edited by Rich Horton.
12/1/2015 - My interview with Stanley Schmidt, "Backpack and Packrat: An Interview with Stanley Schmidt" appeared in the December 2015 issue of Analog.
11/1/2015 - The latest issue of Galaxy's Edge contains my new story "The Rose is Obsolete."
10/20/2015 - My reviews of James Van Pelt's Pandora's Gun and Carolyn Ives Gilman's Dark Orbit have been published in my latest "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
10/16/2015 - Created a Facebook page for the book I'm working on, Traveler of Worlds: Conversations with Robert Silverberg. Visit the page and leave me your questions for Robert Silverberg!
10/15/2015 - The Mammoth Book of Professor Moriarty Adventures, containing my story "As Falls Reichenbach, So Falls Reichenbach Falls," is published in the UK.
9/11/2015 - The second issue of SuperSonic magazine is published, containing my story "The Memory-Setter's Apprentice."
9/10/2015 - Rich Horton recommends "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" in Locus and on Twitter.
9/7/2015 - Received contributor's copies of the French edition of When the Blue Shift Comes, published as Glissement Vers Le Bleu by ActuSF.
9/1/2015 - "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" published in the November issue of Analog.
8/24/2015 - Participated in "The Strange Horizons Book Club: The Starry Rift by James Tiptree, Jr." group discussion with Lila Garrott and Matt Hilliard.
8/19/2015-8/23/2015 - I was a program panelist, and had a reading and a Kaffe Klatche at Sasquan, the 73rd WorldCon, held at Spokane. My detailed schedule available here.
8/1/2015 - The August issue of Clarkesworld has been published and features my group interview of E. Lily Yu, Yoon Ha Lee, Robert Reed, Seth Dickinson, and Karl Schroeder on "Writing for Video Games."
7/15/2015 - My reviews of Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, and Tales of Time and Space, by Allen Steele, have been published in my latest "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
7/2/2015-7/5/2015 - I'm a program panelist at Westercon 68, in San Diego. Come by and say hello!
7/1/2015 - The July issue of Clarkesworld has been published, and it includes my lengthy interview with Kim Stanley Robinson.
6/30/2015 - The September 2015 issue of Analog, containing my story "Endless Forms Most Beautiful," is now available on stands. The table of contents is available here.
6/28/2015 - My story "The Higher, The Fewer" has sold to Mike Resnick at Galaxy's Edge. "The Rose is Obsolete" will likely be appearing in the November 2015 issue.
6/17/2015 - I contributed to the SF Signal Mind Meld "Judging a Book by Its Cover."
6/1/2015 - My interview with Robert Charles Wilson appeared in the June issue of Clarkesworld.
5/21/2015 - "Pushing the World in a Certain Direction," an essay written in collaboration with Paul Di Filippo, has sold to Asimov's. Tentatively scheduled for February 2016 issue, but that's subject to change.
5/19/2015 - My reviews of Genevieve Valentine's novel Persona and Tom Purdom's novella collection Romance on Four Worlds have been published in my latest "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
5/1/2015 - My interview with Cat Rambo has just been published in the May issue of Clarkesworld.
4/28/2015 - My story "The Ripper Is You" has sold to Maxim Jakubowski and will appear in the original anthology The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper Tales, to be published in late 2015.
4/24/2015 - My story "Nature's Eldest Law" has sold to Analog.
4/6/2015 - Patrick Hester interviewed me over at the SF Signal podcast. My interview appears as episode 283 of the podcast.
4/1/2015 - My roundtable interview with Spain's top science fiction and fantasy authors has been published in the April issue of Clarkesworld.
3/30/2015 - My reviews of Paul McAuley's Something Coming Through and new time travel anthology As Time Goes By, edited by Hank Davis, have been published in my latest "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
3/19/2015 - My poem "Conservation of Energy" (originally published in Apex magazine) has been nominated for a Rhysling award and will appear in the 2015 Rhysling Anthology.
3/10/2015 - My story "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" has sold to Analog and will appear in the September 2015 issue.
3/6/2015 - My story "The Black Hole and the Entropy Collector" was published in Nature Physics.
2/25/2015 - Sold story "As Falls Reichenbach, So Falls Reichenbach Falls," set in the world of Sherlock Holmes, to Maxim Jakubowski for publication in the original anthology The Mammoth Book of Professor Moriarty Adventures.
2/20/2015 - SF Signal has published my interview with Paul McAuley.
2/11/2015 - StarShip Sofa has podcast my story "The Memory-Setter's Apprentice" as part of its 374th episode.
2/6/2015 - My science fiction story "The Obvious Solution" has been published by Buzzy Magazine.
2/1/2015 - My interview with Liza Groen Trombi has been published in the February issue of Clarkesworld.
1/21/2015 - Edited and posted new roundtable discussion on despair and writing over at the Locus blog.
1/18/2015 - Tina Connolly has recorded a podcast version of "Coffee in End Times," co-written with Alex Shvartsman, released in episode 132 of Toasted Cake.
1/15/2015 - My reviews of Adam Roberts' Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea and Jennifer Marie Brissett's Elysium have been published in my latest "Another Dimension" column over at IGMS.
1/14/2015 - Vanessa MacLellan interviewed me for her blog, regarding the 2015 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide. Link under the "Interviews with Alvaro" tab.
1/14/2015 - SF Signal published a new MindMeld, on "SF Stories That Predicted the Future — Or Didn’t" in which I participated.
1/2/2015 - Unlikely Story has published an interview with me. Link under the "Interviews with Alvaro" tab.
12/27/2014 - Eric T. Reynolds has purchased my story "Gate of Sun, Gate of Moon". It will appear in his forthcoming anthology Ruins Excavation.
12/22/2014 - Rose Lemberg has purchased my story "And Now You Are Alone Among the Stars". It will appear in her forthcoming anthology An Alphabet of Embers.
12/1/2014 - Clarkesworld has published my interview with Kameron Hurley.
12/1/2014 - My horror story "Miranda's Wings" has been published in The Journal of Unlikely Entomology.
11/17/2014 - My story "The Black Hole and the Entropy Collector" has sold to Nature Physics.
11/12/2014 - My story "Repeat After Me" has sold to Young Explorer's Guide, an original SF anthology geared towards middle-grade readers. Dreaming Robot Press will publish it in 2015.
11/10/2014 - Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show has published my first review column in a new series I've called "Another Dimension". In this review I cover Solaris Rising 3 and Time Travel: Recent Trips.
11/1/2014 - My nonfiction piece "'We’re All Dreaming,' Arctor Said:
Drugs in Science Fiction, from the 1960s to the Present" was published in Clarkesworld.
11/1/2014 - Clarkesworld has published my interview with Jo Walton.
10/30/2014 - My story "Dumpster Diving" has been published in Nature. Geoff Marsh chose it as his favorite Nature Futures story for October and has also podcast it. I also wrote a guest post for the Nature blog about the story behind the story.
10/21/2014 - My nonfiction piece "'We’re All Dreaming,' Arctor Said:
Drugs in Science Fiction, from the 1960s to the Present" has sold to Clarkesworld and will appear in the November issue.
10/7/2014 - Story "Miranda's Wings" sold to The Journal of Unlikely Entomology. Will appear in November issue.
10/1/2014 - Story "A Vision of Paradise" is out in the latest issue of Bastion SF.
10/1/2014 - Story "The Memory-Setter's Apprentice" is out in the latest issue of Fantasy Scroll magazine.
10/1/2014 - Clarkesworld has published my interview with Robert Reed.
9/26/2014 - Story "The Rose is Obsolete" has sold to Galaxy's Edge.
9/17/2014 - Story "A Vision of Paradise" has sold to Bastion SF. Will appear in October issue.
9/1/2014 - Nature Physics has published my story "Waste Knot, Want Knot".
9/1/2014 - Clarkesworld has published my interview with Ann Leckie.
9/1/2014 - Story "Eine Kleine Nachtfilm" has been published in Galaxy's Edge, Issue 10, September 2014.
8/19/2014 - Story "The Obvious Solution" sold to Buzzy Mag. Will appear sometime in 2015.
8/11/2014 - My interview with Steve Rasnic Tem appeared on SF Signal.
8/7/2014 - Poem "Conservation of Energy" has been published in Issue 63, August 2014 of Apex.
7/17/2014 - My review of Frank Close's Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction appeared in Brian Clegg's http://www.popularscience.co.uk/
7/16/2014 - Poem "Conservation of Energy" sold to Apex. Will be published in August issue.
7/11/2014 - Story "Dumpster Diving" sold to Nature.
6/22/2014 - Story "The Romance of Flying on Dead Languages" sold to Bahamut. Will appear January 2015.
6/1/2014 - Clarkesworld published my interview with Chuck Wendig.
5/19/2014 - Sold my essay "A Craving for Endings" to The First Line.
5/13/2014 - SF Signal published a Mind Meld on "Our Dream Anthologies," to which I contributed.
4/24/2014 - Story "Waste Knot, Want Knot" sold to Nature.
4/11/2014 - Story "The Memory-Setter's Apprentice" sold to Fantasy Scroll.
4/10/2014 - Poem "Re-Obsolete" nominated for 2013 Rhysling Award.
4/1/2014 - Story "Eine Kleine Nachtfilm" sold to Galaxy's Edge.
3/30/2014 - Joined SFWA as active member.
3/12/2014 - Edited and published roundtable on Samuel R. Delany at Locus blog.
3/10/2014 - The Los Angeles Review of Books published my essay "Iron and Chromium" on five key novels by Norman Spinrad.
2/19/2014 - SF Signal published a Mind Meld on "The Best & Worst Genre Movie Adaptations," to which I contributed.
2/14/2014 - "Fires of Night" sold to the Dark Expanse anthology Surviving the Collapse, which will be published in March 2014.
1/24/2014 - Edited and published roundtable on "Planetary Writing" for Locus blog.
1/9/2014 - My interview with Nancy Kress and Jack Skillingstead appeared on the Locus blog.
12/23/2013 - I was interviewed by Unlikely Story.
12/19/2013 - My interview with Joe Haldeman appeared on the Locus blog.
12/9/2013 - My short story "Hot and Cold" sold to Analog and will be published sometime in 2014.
11/22/2013 - "The Wall Garden" has been published by The Journal of Unlikely Entomology, Issue #7.
11/19/2013 - "The Wall Garden" sold to The Journal of Unlikely Entomology and will be published in Issue #7.
11/14/2013 - "Coffee in End Times," a collaboration with Alex Shvartsman, has sold to Nature. Will appear in 2014.
11/1/2013 - Issue #5 of Galaxy's Edge has been published. It includes my story "All Quiet on the Golden Front."
10/28/2013 - Strange Horizons has published my in-depth review of Benjamin Roy Lambert's short story "Division of Labor."
10/22/2013 - The Autumn 2013 issue of Star*Line (issue 36.4) has appeared, and it includes my two poems "Re-Obsolete" and "Arcadia 2529."
9/4/2013 - SF Signal has published my interview with Will McIntosh.
7/25/2013 - Sold two poems, "Re-Obsolete" and "Arcadia 2529," to Star*Line, the magazine of the Science Fiction Poetry Association.
7/17/2013 - Strange Horizons has published my review of Jack Skillingstead's Life on the Preservation.
6/24/2013 - The Los Angeles Review of Books has published my review of The Very Best of Barry N. Malzberg.
6/3/2013 - Strange Horizons has published my review of Simon Morden's The Curve of the Earth.
5/23/2013 - SF Signal has published my interview with Ellen Datlow.
4/29/2013 - Sold "All Quiet Along the Golden Front" to Mike Resnick for publication in Galaxy's Edge. Tentative publication date is October (Issue #5).
2/22/2013 - WHEN THE BLUE SHIFT COMES, with Robert Silverberg, received a 2012 BookGateway.com Booky Award.